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Web News & Tips - Issue #223 To unsubscribe, please follow the instructions at the end of this newsletter Web News & Tips Published by MateMedia, Inc. Your Partner on the Web Providing quality Web services at affordable prices since 1995 MateMedia provides the following services: Small Business Web Hosting (Shared & Managed Dedicated Servers) Web Design & Development - Custom Web Applications Database Development & Hosting Website Maintenance & Webmaster Services Search Engine Promotion (Optimization & Submission) E-Commerce - Shopping Carts - Sample Shopping Cart Domain Name Registration Domain Name Affiliate Program Web Hosting Affiliate Program FREE Website when you order a web hosting account! For more information about our services email sales@matemediainc.com or call us at 877-309-7521 - Read what our clients have to say about us IN THIS ISSUE: Become a MateMedia Domain Name Affiliate Become a MateMedia Small Business Web Hosting Affiliate Free Webmaster Tools Guide to Traffic Exchanges Web News A Step by Step Guide to Getting Started on the Web Recommend this newsletter to a friend Advertise in Web News & Tips Guide to Traffic Exchanges By Jeffrey Kowalski Introduction In order for your online business to succeed in making any money, you must find a way to get people to it. Its very easy to get people to see your website using Traffic Exchanges. Traffic Exchanges are a good way to promote your online business or website. You do not have to worry about receiving complaints of spam either. How they Work The way Traffic Exchanges work are very simple. When you first visit a Traffic Exchange website, you will be asked to register. Usually when you register you receive free credits just for signing up. You might be asked to confirm that the email you registered with is valid. When you login for the first time, you should add your sites into the exchange. Types of Exchanges There are many different types of exchanges. The most common of which are Auto Exchange, Surf Exchange, and Start Exchange. The one you should use depends on the type of traffic you desire. If youre just looking for hits, then an Auto Exchange is the way to go. On the other hand, if you want to attract leads or registrations, then you should consider using a Start Exchange or Surf Exchange. Auto Exchange An Auto Exchange rotates your site with an automatic timer. The traffic quality of this type of exchanges is very low, but is also cheaper and easier to earn credits. You do not have to click your fingers off to earn traffic credits. When choosing any Traffic Exchange, make sure there are anti-cheat functions available. You do not want to waste your time with exchanges that are not going to improve your quality of traffic. Surf Exchange A Surf Exchange works by members logging into their account and opening a surf window. The surf window contains a timer and when the timer reaches zero, you are then told to click to continue. Many sites use anti-cheat protection to prevent automated programs from surfing for them. The traffic quality of this type of exchange is usually pretty good, but is also more time consuming and you get tired of clicking quickly. Start Exchange Start Exchanges work by setting your default homepage to a specific web address that makes it possible for you to earn credits for your site just by starting your web browser. This type of exchange usually gives good traffic because visitors are actually looking at your site. Rules Many Traffic Exchanges set rules on what types of sites can join. The most common rules are that your site can only have a certain number of pop ups, if any. If your site contains adult content, you should consider looking for an adult traffic exchange as the regular exchanges usually forbid this type of content. Illegal content such as pirated software and child pornography is not allowed by all exchanges. Downline Many sites offer a referral program so you can earn credits for each person you refer to the traffic exchange. You can add a banner, button, and text links to your site to add members to your downline. Also, you could add your referral link to other exchanges to help build your downline. Targeted Advertising Some Traffic Exchanges allow you to target your site to visitors with a specific interest. It is a good idea to try these ones first so you can test the market for your product or service. Buying Credits Many Traffic Exchanges let members buy credits. Many of them let you pay them via online payment services such as PayPal and E-Gold. Shop around before buying credits, you might be able to find cheaper rates at another Traffic Exchange. Safe lists Safe lists are another way to exchange traffic. You subscribe to a list and agree to receive offers via email from other members. There are premium users and free users. Free users are able to send one email to a limited number of subscribers every few days. Premium users get even more benefits such as being able to send email to the entire list. A great thing about safe lists is that you will not be accused to sending spam. Increase your rank in the search engines! Check out our new search engine optimization plans Become a MateMedia Web Hosting Affiliate Web News Add "strongest IT nation" to Sweden's list of technological achievements. Already identified as the "Web-savviest country," the nation has also achieved the top ranking on the 2003 IDC/World Times Information Society Index (ISI) for the fourth consecutive year. Sweden's 2.67 million active Internet users helped propel the country to the strongest position, taking full advantage of their advanced information, computer, Internet, and social infrastructures. The ISI uses tracking data from 55 countries, measuring them according to their ability to access and absorb information and information technology. It pays for online banks to deploy effective customer relationship strategies since satisfied consumers are 50 percent more likely to recommend their bank's Web site and 19 percent more likely to purchase additional services, according to a Summer 2003 study by ForeSee Results and Forbes.com. Also, one- quarter of online banking customers said a bad experience on the site would negatively impact their relationship with the bank. Harry Potter is not only a magical little boy, but a huge moneymaker as well. Analysis from Nielsen and its various market-specific divisions provides a multi- dimensional view into the Harry industry, as the fifth installment of the novel prepares for release on June 21, 2003. Cumulatively, more than 1.3 million copies of the book were ordered on Amazon's Web sites worldwide nearly three times the worldwide advance orders the online retailer received for "Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire," which previously held the record for largest new product release. With 45 percent of U.S. Internet households owning a digital camera, and another 24 percent expecting to buy before the end of 2004, imaging and output industries are reaping the digital benefits. However, while most consumers download and print their images, few are concerned with archiving and storage. According to Photo Marketing Association International, "preserving memories" was cited as the #1 reason in 2002 for taking digital pictures a shift from the top reason in previous years of sending pictures via e-mail. Copyright 2000-2003 MateMedia, Inc. |
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