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Joining a Web Hosting Affiliate Program by Andrew James Do you currently host a website? joining a web hosting affiliate program can make you significant revenue when used properly, plus you can easily recoup the costs of bandwidth and server space. Web hosting affiliate programs are easy and usually free to join - all it takes is a few referrals in order to bring in some new income. If you're happy with your current domain and web hosting provider, ask them about their web hosting affiliate program. Often customer referrals can bring between $50 and $100 for each customer that signs up to your own provider's hosting service. Many web hosts offer a web hosting affiliate program that pays a percentage commission of the sales made when customer you refer sign up for their services. This could be a recurring monthly, quarterly or annual repeat payment. Most web hosting affiliate programs will send payments via check or send them directly to your bank account or even your Paypal account if you have one. Note that you may have to wait to be paid until you have earned a certain amount. This could be as low as $50 or as high as $150 depending on the company policy. Imagine the income after making a few referal each week! There are also companies such as WebmasterFX and TemplateMonster which offer affiliate programs for a very similar market, in this case marketing tools and design templates for webmasters. Offering your visitors a range of complimentary products and services is likely to increase your total referal commissions without too much extra work. Web hosting affiliate programs are easy to join ? just fill out an online form and put an approved link on your existing website. You could also add a link in your emails and use them in discussion forum signatures. Of course if the program is lucrative enough it may be worth trying some paid advertising to speed up results. Look for a program with a large range of provided promotion materials such as website banners and text links to place on your site, and you'll be on your way to making profits with a new revenue stream in no time at all! About the Author Andrew James, Sydney, Australia More Details about Web Hosting Affiliate Program here. Andrew James is an active webmaster of over a dozen websites including http://hostingdiary.com and http://www.webmasterfx.com He has backgrounds in web development, marketing and graphic design. |
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