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Web Hosting Provider Reviews Help You Decide by Chris Robertson There's no doubt that it's tough to choose a web hosting service. The variety of services available mirrors the complexity of choosing a mobile phone service plan. Web hosting comparison becomes even more confusing when you want to launch a website but don't have a lot of technical savvy. One way to make your way through the maze of web hosting services is to consult web hosting provider reviews. Before you consult web hosting provider reviews, it's important to narrow down your choices and know your needs. Do you need a hosting service that specializes in ecommerce, for example, or are you simply interested in low budget hosting services? Do you require a hosting service that supports Linux or Unix, or do you want one that supports Microsoft Windows? Or, do you need to set aside your attempts to compare web hosting and instead focus on domain name registration? When looking at web hosting reviews, it's important to remember to compare apples to apples. In other words, know your needs and examine comparable services between web hosting providers. Here are some factors to consider: Hosting Space: How much space does your site need? When choosing a web hosting service, take into account future growth. For some sites, 10 gigabyte of hosting space fits the bill, while for others it's overkill. Number of Domains: Do you need hosting for a single site or for multiple sites? Again, take into account potential for future growth. You may wish to go with a web hosting site that allows multiple domains on one account and lets you allocate hosting space among various domains. Email Accounts: Go with a provider that can meet your need for email accounts. For some sites, a dozen email accounts will do nicely; for others, 2,000 aren't enough. Secure Server: If you are running an ecommerce site, or any site where secure information is being sent and received, you will need SSL. This gives both you and your customers peace of mind in knowing that the information being transferred is secure. Multimedia: If your site has Flash, audio, video, or other media, you need to choose a web hosting service that can support those formats. Backup: When comparing web hosting services, the frequency and kind of backup a service provides is paramount. Although hiccups do occur, you should be secure in knowing that your site will be up and running 24/7/365, and that there's no danger your data will be lost. Customer Service: A web hosting service is more than a set of machines; service implies customer support. Be sure that the service you choose has excellent customer service and tech support available around the clock. Providing you know what you need in terms of service, web hosting reviews can help to steer you in the direction of finding a service that can maintain and enhance your website. Look for those that review comparable services side by side, and those that also include feedback and ratings from customers. About the Author Chris Robertson, Los Osos, CA USA Chris Robertson is a published author of Majon International. Majon International is one of the world's MOST popular internet marketing and internet advertising companies on the web. Visit their main business resource web site at: http://www.majon.com |
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